

73 Uppsatser om Oilseed rape - Sida 1 av 5

Etablering av höstraps i mellansverige :

The production of Oilseed rape is an important issue in Sweden and those who never have grown Oilseed rape (OSR) are now willing to try. It is always a risk to grow Oilseed rape, specially winter OSR, because of outwintering. This risk increases as you go north and therefore establishment and autumn growth is very important. These are some of the reasons that I have chosen to write about the establishment of winter Oilseed rape in Middle Sweden. There are many factors that influence the outcome of the establishment, e. g.

Compost and its effects on soilborne plant pathogens

Certain microbial residents from composts are known to possess the ability to suppress soilborne plant pathogens. Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium spp. are commonly found in composts and are perhaps the most wellknown hyperparasites of fungal pathogens, which may also be naturally present in compost. Trials have many times proven them to be effective against plant diseases caused by soilborne pathogens such as Pythium spp., Phytophthora spp.

Resistenta rapsbaggar :

Oilseed rape crops are an important in southern Sweden because of the high intensity of wheat growing. Pollen beetles are the most important pest in Oilseed rape and causes often economic losses. Therefore it?s of great importance that we can control the population density, e g by using insecticides if necessary, to avoid mayor yield losses. In year 2000 pollen beetles were numerous in the province of Östergötland. The farmers sprayed with insecticides several times, but with low effects on the beetles. Field trials and laboratory experiments showed that pollen beetles had developed resistance against pyrethroids.

Feeding preferences and foraging in Larvae of Manduca sexta and Spodoptera littoralis : a laboratory study based on olfaction

Larvae of Lepidopteran Manduca sexta and Spodoptera littoralis are pests of economical importance in several horticultural and agricultural crops. Knowledge of insect feeding preferences and behavior is crucial in order to find economically and ecologically sustainable solutions to the problems caused by these herbivores. The aim of this thesis was to study the behavior and the induced feeding preferences in larvae of M. sexta and S. littoralis when reared on certain host plants. The hypothesis was that larvae of M. sexta would have an innate preference for plants of the Solanaceae family and therefore discriminate the previously experienced nonhost when faced with the choice between a true host and the previous food source.

Smart seed : fördröjd groning hos raps : försök med frö-coating samt litteraturgenomgång om frögroning, coating och praktisk tillämpning i reläodling

Oilseed rape constitutes a good break crop within a cereal dominated cropping system. The normal sowing time for winter rape in Sweden is August. It's a time in the cropping year characterized by a heavy work load, such as harvest and soil management. In addition, it is often a period with large precipitation. Thus, it is sometimes problematic for the farmer to do the sowing of winter rape at the optimal time.

Svampar associerade med raps : betydelse för uppkomst och grödetablering

Oilseed rape is an important crop in Sweden and is grown on about 90000 ha today. The interest in oil seed pro-duction is increasing because of growing demand and high prices for oil seed both in Sweden and Europe. However, an increased intensity in the oil seed production can bring higher risk of yield losses due to fungal diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate what different fungi are associated with Oilseed rape under field conditions and if their incidence is correlated to crop establishment problems. This study was carried out in three parts: 1) investigations on fungal community structure in roots and rhizosphere soils from young spring- and winter rape plants sampled in failed respectively good establishment patches in four fields, 2) investigations on the pathogenicity of fungi isolated from Oilseed rape in controlled environment and 3) investigations on the effect of different fungicide seed treatments on germination and early plant development in a field soil naturally infested with damping off- and Verticillium wilt pathogens. The studies on community structure using a combined approach of standard fungal isolation techniques and DNA based methods revealed a high fungal diversity in three out of four studied fields of spring rape and winter rape. For some unknown reason, very few fungal species were identified from the fourth field.

Våld eller sex? - En litteraturstudie om den akademiska kontroversen kring våldtäkt

Partly due to its consequences on the physical and mental health but also because of women?s constant fear of being violated, rape is considered to be a public health issue. The theoretical aspects of rape were first discussed in the 1970?s mainly from the viewpoints of Susan Brownmiller and Michel Foucault. The aim of this literature study is to investigate the different perspectives on whether rape should be viewed as sex or violence, how the controversy has developed and what the authors claim that the different perspectives result in.

"En riktig våldtäkt" : - en kunskapsöversikt om föreställningar om våldtäkt

This essay is a selective review of Nordic literature with the aim to explore contemporary conceptions of male-on-female rape, to increase the understanding of how these can construct ?a real rape?. To achieve this two questions were formulated: What circumstances can cause an incident not to be defined as rape? What circumstances can cause an incident to be defined as rape? Searches in international and Swedish databases led to initial selection of peer-review journal articles and dissertations that were reviewed against set criteria. These criteria were met by 8 studies, that were assigned codes, from which comprehensive categories were developed.

Våldtäkt? : En fokusgruppstudie om ungdomars definitioner och resonemang om våldtäkt

This essay is based on a qualitative study of Swedish high school students? discussions of rape. We have a socialconstructive perspective and use theories of gender and power. The purpose of the study is to acknowledge teenagers? views of rape, sexual relationships and the law.

Strategisk marknadsföring av produkter av rapsolja :

The background to this study is to find alternative ways of size rationalization. My vision is to take the basic conditions and make the best and most profitable of them. I have chosen press of rape oil because it?s interesting and the investment to get started is relative small. The opportunity to use outmoded and unrational buildings which often are found at many farms to something that gives money instead of costs money is also an argument.

Socialt stöd efter våldtäkt

The focus of this study is on the nature of social support from the rape survivor's perspective. Research has shown that social support is essential to the survivor's ability to recover from rape and that it acts as a powerful tool for the survivor to effectively deal with the PTSD symptoms that follow rape. The research also shows that survivors often receive or interpret reactions after a rape as negative. Hence, these reactions can be detrimental tothe healing process.Qualitative interviews with six women on their experience of social support after rape form the base of this study and Anthony Giddens terms ontological security, fateful moments and bodily self-management are a part of the analytical apparatus. Rape is commonly analyzed from a feminist perspective.

Frihet, rädsla och skuld : om unga kvinnors bild av sexuella övergrepp

The purpose of this study was to examine young women?s perception and fear of sexual assault. An additional aim was to analyze the women?s view on guilt and responsibility in rape related questions. Two focus group interviews were executed with undergraduate women aged 22-32 years.

Det publika samtalet som curatorisk praktik

The focus of this study is on the nature of social support from the rape survivor's perspective. Research has shown that social support is essential to the survivor's ability to recover from rape and that it acts as a powerful tool for the survivor to effectively deal with the PTSD symptoms that follow rape. The research also shows that survivors often receive or interpret reactions after a rape as negative. Hence, these reactions can be detrimental tothe healing process.Qualitative interviews with six women on their experience of social support after rape form the base of this study and Anthony Giddens terms ontological security, fateful moments and bodily self-management are a part of the analytical apparatus. Rape is commonly analyzed from a feminist perspective.

Våldtäkt och våldtäktsoffer. Analys av unga kvinnors synsätt.

AbstractThis essay concerns young women´s point of view and discussions about rape and rape victims. The purpose was to examine young women´s view on rape and rape victims. By young women we mean 17 to 18 year-old-high school-students.Our main questions were how young women define rape, if there are any circumstances were they blame the victim and/or consider her less trustworthy and how they explain rape.This study is based on one qualitatively oriented group interview, with six young women, and four individual interviews, as compliment to the group interview. We have used our interviews and earlier research to answer our questions. The analysis is based on a feministic point of view and Nils Christies article on "ideal victims".The result that appeared was that the young women´s broad definition of rape narrows down through the different circumstances concerning the alcohol consumption, the woman´s way of living and what clothes she was wearing, the acquaintance-level between the victim and perpetrator and how the woman says "no" to sex.

Uppfångning och kvarhållning av 134Cs och 85Sr i olika växtutvecklingsstadier

Emissions of radionuclides to the atmosphere can lead to wet deposition on plants in theevent of rainfall. An increased level of radioactivity in the plants may occur due tointerception and retention of the radionuclides. If the content of the plants is above thethreshold limit value, entire yields may have to be destroyed. In order to preventcontamination or decrease the content countermeasures can be taken. The impact of thebiomass, leaf area index (LAI) and growth stage of the plant on the interception andretention is important to know in order to decide which countermeasures to use.Weather may also be an important factor.In this work the interception and retention of 134Cs and 85Sr by spring wheat, ley andspring oil-seed rape was studied.

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